Be aware trendy diets may have a negative impact on your oral health. Liquid cleanses low-carb diets like Atkins or Paleo, vegan or raw diets may be considered healthy but may not be so healthy for your teeth and gums. A liquid cleanse swaps meals for smoothies and juices which can cause insulin levels to peak and plummet, overtime, this alters the structure of collagen in your body and as collagen fibers hold teeth in place. Raw food diets including fruits can damage your teeth. The sugars in fruits are natural but are no different than sugar from chocolate or sweets. All the sugar can erode your teeth and lead to cavities. Low-carb-high-protein diets including “fast days” can cause the body to go into a ketosis state which produces chemicals that cause bad breath. Eating a well-balanced diet is best for your overall health. Most importantly, before making any decisions regarding your diet consult with your physician.

25908 Ford Road
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127